Education Experts’ Lived Experience of Active Citizenship Curriculum in Iran’s Secondary Education

Document Type : Research Paper



This study set itself the objective of evaluating the lived experience of education experts of the active citizenship curriculum in secondary education in Iran. This study is of a lived experience or phenomenological type. Snowball sampling method was used to select 6 education experts who studied citizenship in Iran. They participated in interviews which lead to data saturation. Data were collected by means of semi–structured interviews using a voice recorder. Data were analyzed employing descriptive-interpretive approach. One of the main contribution of this research is the development of an active citizenship curriculum drawing on Colaizzi’s model which covers four elements including goals, content, teaching method and evaluation method. As far as the goals are concerned, cognitive, affective-physical were suggested. Regarding the content, they emphasized considering issues and examples which lead to knowledge acquisition, attitudes and ability in active citizenship area. In the element content experts’ focus is to get business attitude and knowledge in three field goals. With respect to teaching method the emphasis was placed on active and participatory methods. Concerning the evaluation component, a combination of qualitative and quantitative, self assessment, and ongoing assessment methods were underscored as favorable methods for active citizenship education.


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