An Evaluation a Model of Organizational Justice Based on Organizational Trust for Education Organization of Isfahan

Document Type : Research Paper



The present study was carried out for the purpose of exploring the relationship between organizational trust and teachers’ perceived organizational justice. The study is of correlational type. The population comprised all high school teachers of Esfahan city in the academic year 2010-2011. The sample of the study included 363 teachers selected randomly through multi-stage cluster sampling. The data were collected using two questionnaires (Nihof & Moormans’ “organizational Justice”, and Ruders’ “organizational trust”). The validity of both instruments was verified and their reliability was assessed through using Cranach’s alpha (α=0/95 and α=0/89 respectively). Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used in order to analyze data. The results indicated that organizational trust, alone, could account for 5% of organizational justice, but when “trust in administrator” and “trust in colleagues” were included in the model this index increased to 13% and 18% respectively. The relationship among these variables of interest was statistically significant (P<0/05). The results generally showed that the empirical model developed fit the data adequately with GFI=0.95 and AGFI=0.8


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