A Study of the Effect of Delegation of Authority with Productivity of Human Resources in First Region of Islamic Azad University

Document Type : Research Paper



The research was to examine the effect of delegation of authority on productivity of human resources with the Herssi and Goldsmith model in the first region of Islamic Azad University. Delegation of authority is an event inside organizations and is accomplished under certain conditions according to which parts of decision-making and executive authority is delegated to lower lines. Delegation of effective authority is the best tool that administrators use to improve productivity. Productivity is an efficient criterion for evaluating the performance of these activates and efforts in various economic, social and cultural parts. The research methodology was descriptive. The study population included 2720 persons. A sample of 272 individuals was randomly selected through stratified sampling. In order to gather the data of this research the questionnaire of Herrsi and Goldsmith was used. The analyses of data were conducted in two levels of descriptive and inferential statistic, the results of which are as follows: there was a significant relationship among ability, organization support, law validity and organization decision and delegation of authority. It was concluded that based on the increase and decrease of the amount of delegating authority the productivity of the human resources would increase or decrease.


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