Modeling Productivity based on Social Capital and intellectual capital in the Public Sector of Educational Administration

Document Type : Research Paper



The research purpose is to construct a structural model to assess the employees’ productivity in the public sector of educational administration of Iran based on Social Capital. The population comprised all the employees of the public sector of educational administration, out of which a sample of 382 employees’ was randomly drawn. The research tools consisted of a researcher-made questionnaire on employees’ productivity, this 47-item questionnaire was designed based on the theory of Hersey and Goldsmith (1980) and assesses the underlying factors of ability, clarity, help, incentive, evaluation, validity and environment(α = 0.93), the second questionnaire named Sayyadi’s (2010) social capital questionnaire which consisted of 31 items with seven underlying constructs of trust ,networks ,cooperation, collective action, empathy, participation and social identity and Cronbach Alpha of 0.90, The results of path analysis using LISREL software indicated that dimensions of social capital had a direct effect on productivity with the indices of 0.75. The model also showed that the factor of collective action in social capital had the highest direct effect on productivity. It was also concluded that the proposed model showed full fit
