The impact of organizational microorganization on interpersonal trust of faculty members of Islamic Azad Universities of Fars province with the role of emotional intelligence as a mediator

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Lamard Unit Management Unit, Islamic Azad University, Lamerd, Iran

2 Pars Mohr Institute


Introduction: The general purpose of the research was the effect of microorganization on the interpersonal trust of faculty members of Islamic Azad Universities of Fars province with the mediating role of their emotional intelligence.

Research methodology: The current research method was a descriptive correlational type. The statistical population was all academic faculty members of Islamic Azad Universities in Fars province, numbering 1811, and using random-cluster sampling method and through Cochran's formula and Morgan's table, 317 people were selected as the sample size. The research tools included the standard questionnaires of Brown and Green (2006), interpersonal trust of McAllister (1998) and emotional intelligence of Mayer and Salovey (1995). The validity of the questionnaires was confirmed and examined by content and construct validity, and composite reliability and Cronbach's alpha coefficient were used to check reliability. After distributing the questionnaires and collecting the data, it was analyzed by using the structural equation model and by Spss and Smart Pls3 software.

Findings: It showed that organizational wisdom has an effect on interpersonal trust (0.46); Organizational wisdom has an effect on emotional intelligence (0.79); Emotional intelligence has an effect on interpersonal trust (0.33); the emotional intelligence variable plays a mediating role in the effect of organizational wisdom on interpersonal trust (0.70).

Conclusion: Emotional intelligence strengthens the effect of organizational wisdom on interpersonal trust.
