Structural modeling of toxic leadership with organizational vitality of education workers of East Azarbaijan province with the mediating role of organizational discord.

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Education in District 1 of Tabriz

2 Islamic Azad University Tabriz Branch

3 Associate Professor of Educational Management, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan, Tabriz, Iran



Introduction: The current research was conducted with the aim of structural analysis of toxic leadership on organizational vitality with the mediating role of organizational discord.

research methodology: This is an applied research and a descriptive correlation method of causal modeling (structural equation modeling). The statistical population is all the administrative employees of the educational districts of East Azarbaijan province in 1400. Proportional stratified random sampling method, 370 people were selected using Morgan's table. Three standard questionnaires were used to collect data. Content and structural validity of the questionnaires, confirmation and reliability of the questionnaires were obtained as 0.83, 0.87 and 0.89 respectively. In order to evaluate the relationships between the latent and measured variables in the research, structural data modeling was used using SPSS and LISREL software.

Findings: The findings of the present study indicate a significant role between the variables. Also, the results confirmed the mediating role of organizational discord in the causal relationship between toxic leadership and organizational vitality.

Conclusion: The research results indicate that toxic leadership and organizational hypocrisy are factors that reduce organizational vitality.
