The Effect of Teachers' Beliefs and Attitudes on Teachers' Intention to Use Teaching Based Technology in Teaching Process

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Educational Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Anar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran

3 Master Student of Department of Psychology, Anar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran.

4 Mental Health Expert, Medical Sciences University, Sirjan, Iran


Introduction: The purpose of this study the effect of teachers' beliefs and attitudes on teachers' intention to use teaching based technology in the teaching process in the city of Kerman.

research methodology: : The research method was correlational and data were collected from 160 teachers' by random sampling method using a researcher-made questionnaire.

Findings:The results showed that the direct effect of computer self-efficacy on perceived ease and the actual computer use and the direct effect of the subjective norm on perceived ease, perceived usefulness, attitude toward application, and the intention of computer use and direct effect of perceived computer ease on perceived usefulness and attitude toward computer use and direct effect of computer perceived usefulness on behavioral intention, computer use is positive and significant, but not on the attitude toward the use of computer. The direct effect of attitude toward the use of a computer on behavioral intention to use the computer is positive and significant but a direct effect of behavioral intention to use the computer on actual usage of computer was not significant among teachers'.

Conclusion: These results showed that teachers' subjective norms and self-efficacy played an important role in the perception of the ease, the usefulness and acceptance, and usage of computer by teachers'.
