Designing a model to increase the effectiveness of learning in virtual education systems of Bojnourd universities in 1399

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Expert in charge of training North Khorasan Welfare Organization

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational sciences, Faculty of Human Sciences,Bojnourd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bojnourd, Iran

3 Islamic Azad University-Bojnourd branch


The purpose of this study is to design a model to increase the effectiveness of learning in virtual education systems of Bojnourd universities in 1399. The present study is a quantitative-qualitative research that in terms of data collection method due to the use of both qualitative and quantitative methods was also included in the combined methods. The statistical population in the qualitative section was 20 faculty members of Bojnourd universities randomly and in the qualitative section was 200 faculty members of Bojnourd universities including Islamic Azad Bojnourd government branch, Quranic sciences, Enlightenment, sages, medical sciences. The data collection tool in the qualitative part of the interview was semi-structured and in the quantitative part was a researcher-made questionnaire that was used to analyze the information of the software in the qualitative part using content analysis (Max Qudi) and in the quantitative part of SPSS version 22 and pls. became. According to the research results, the main components of effective learning education in virtual education systems in Bojnourd Islamic Azad University include the components of teaching-learning activities, flexibility, educational content and organization, interaction and feedback, user support, workload, Virtual education system, school, training, management and evaluation were identified.
