Applying Interpretive Structural Modeling in Grading Organizational Citizenship Behavior Indices in Foreign Language Institutes: A Case Study

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of the present article was to grade organizational citizenship behavior indices in the foreign language institutes in district four of Tabriz Education Organization. Form among 98 institutes, 46 ones were sampled based on Bartlett's Table. A use was made of a questionnaire inquiring about the institute directors’ opinions in order to draw the primary diagram and to create adjacency relations table. In addition, Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) technique was employed to analyze data. The results suggested that there are "altruist" and "civil behavior" components at the primary level indicating the high effectiveness of these two variables. At the second level are there the indices of "deontology" and "fairness", and finally, "propriety" is the most effective index in organizational citizenship behavior model in the foreign language institutes of Tabriz.
