Identify the components of teachers' professional development

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Group of educational sciences ، P.H.D student of educational administration , islamic azad university of marvdasht , iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran


Introduction and purpose: The purpose of this research was to identify the components of professional development of secondary school teachers using a qualitative method.
Methodology: The participants in this section include experts, experts and people knowledgeable in the field of development and professional development of teachers in Fars province, and the selection of people was made by purposeful sampling method and criterion-based technique, with the criterion of having a master's degree and doctorate and at least fifteen years of teaching and research experience in education. It was education that after the semi-structured interview with 23 people, the information became saturated. Data analysis method Thematic analysis is done step by step in six steps, the first step is the initial acquaintance with the interview text, the second step is to create initial codes, the third step is to search for themes, the fourth step is to review the themes, the fifth step is to title the themes, and the sixth step is to prepare the interview report and prepare The table of basic themes is organizing and inclusive; and the findings obtained from the interviews
Conclusion: conducted in eight components are as follows: change skills, communication skills, individual growth, research growth, evaluation skills, organizational growth, educational growth, Information technology.
Results: The results showed that the professional development of teachers helps to improve the activities and tasks of people, in connection with their jobs and specialized professions, which is mainly for the purpose of increasing their knowledge, skills and changing their professional attitudes. By means of that, people can perform their duties effectively and improve the teaching and learning process.


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