Designing an educational branding model with Mixed method approach approach (Case study: technical and vocational institutes in Tehran)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student in Business Management, Department of Management and Commerce, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University

2 PhD in Business Management, Member of the Faculty of Management and Business Department, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran


Introduction: Paying attention to technical and professional training and its reform as an efficient tool for training and increasing the efficiency and productivity of human resources in order to lay the groundwork for economic reforms should be one of the first priorities of reforming the country's education system. The main objective of this study was to design an educational branding model in technical and vocational institutes in Tehran.
research methodology: This research from the point of view is combined method (qualitative and quantitative), of purpose is practical and from the point of view of data collection, it was a survey and It was done in two steps. In the qualitative step, 13 semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 13 education experts, mainly directors and deputies of educational institutions and expert professors that the sample size was determined based on theoretical purposive sampling and theoretical saturation. The grounded theory analysis model was used to analyze the data.
Findings: The components were categorized into 15 main categories and 25 sub-categories and into 6 general components: causal conditions, axial phenomena, contextual conditions, intervening conditions, strategies and consequences. In the second step of the research, a researcher-made questionnaire was distributed and to determine the relative importance of the model variables and, the methods of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and Friedman test were used to analyze the results.
Conclusion: The ranking done in this study shows the effective factors on educational branding, Strategies that include sustainable communication and relationship marketing, transformational innovation and relationship marketing are the most important , major environmental  include factors: cultural growth of society and international credibility of technical certificates and profession are the least important.


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