A Meta-Analysis on the Effectiveness of Environmental Education Programs on Environmental Literacy

Document Type : Research Paper


A Meta-Analysis on the Effectiveness of Environmental Education Programs on Environmental Literacy


Introduction: The purpose of this study was to analysis the Effectiveness of Environmental Education Programs on Environmental Literacy by using meta-analysis method based on the Hunter and  Schmidt approach.
research methodology: For this purpose, thirty five studies which were accepted methodologically were included in the meta-analysis. The checklist of meta-analysis with 3948 participants were used. After summarizing the research results, the effect size was calculated and combined based on Hunter and Schmidt meta-analysis approach and interpreted according to Cohen's table
Findings: The results indicated that the Effectiveness of Environmental Education Programs on Environmental Literacy was 0/37 (p</0001), According to Cohen's table, this effect size is higher than average. Combined effect size for preschool and primary school age 0.25 (below average), for secondary school (first and second), 0.36 (above average) and for adult age 0.59 (high) Has been evaluated. Also, the size of the combined effect was 0.31 (average) for environmental knowledge, 0.41 (above average) for environmental attitude and 0.47 (above average) for environmental behavior. The results of modulatory analysis showed the effectiveness of modulatory variables in these interventions.
Conclusion: The findings of this study indicate the effectiveness of environmental education programs on environmental literacy.


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