The relationship between leadership style and organizational voice with mediating role organizational agility among the employees Jihad of Tehran university (ACECR of Tehran University)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Graduated from the Department of educational sciences, Islamshahr Unit, Islamic Azad. University ,Islamshahr ,IRAN.

2 Assistant Professor of Educationl Sciences, Islamshahr Unit,Islamic Azad University,Islamshahr,IRAN.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between leadership style and organizational voice with the mediation of organizational agility of the staff of Jahad Daneshgagi (ACECR of Tehran University). The method of the present study is correlational in terms of purpose of application, quantitative in terms of data, and in terms of nature and type of study.
The statistical population of the present study consists of the staff of Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2018. The statistical population of this study consisted of 186 employees of this organization that 127 of them were selected using simple random sampling method with the use of Morgan table.
To measure the present study, there are three questionnaires: "Leadership style": Bass & Olive(2002), "Organizational Voice": Zehir & Erdogan(2011) and "Organizational Agility:" Zhang & sharifi(2000), respectively, whose Cronbach's alpha coefficient is 0.74, 0.88 and 0.82 was obtained.Their face validity was confirmed using the opinion of experts. The results showed that organizational agility has a significant effect only on freindly voice and is a mediator between contingent and transformational leadership style with freindly voice.Also, the analysis of the data obtained from the questionnaire in a descriptive and inferential manner by the software SPSS and also the technique of structural equation modeling using the software LISREL showed that between leadership style and organizational voice of employees with mediation Organizational agility has a significant relationship.Leadership style through organizational agility can pave the way for organizational voice and the role of organizational agility as a mediator was confirmed. Also, the conceptual model of the research has a good fit.


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