determining the qualitative development model of the universities' Incubators of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper




This research was conducted with the aim of determining the qualitative development model of the universities' Incubators of Iran, using the tradition of qualitative research based on Grounded theory , with Strauss and Corbin's approach and paradigmatic logic. This study conducted interviews with 15 managers of the Incubators in Iran . The sampling was carried out through theoretical method and according to the type of coding, the data analysis was based on three stages of open coding, axial coding and selective coding. From analysis of interviews in the coding phase of 204 concepts, in the pivotal coding step of 60 sub categories and in the selected coding stage, 23 categories were categorized. The results of Pajhwah showed: The causal conditions of the paradigm of qualitative development of the centers of growth of the universities consisted of 6 main components (organizational framework, educational factors, financial factors, communication patterns, effective teamwork, market research). Underlying conditions include three main categories (function, economy, rules). The Substance and intervention conditions include the four main categories (support, empowerment, attitude, interpersonal analysis), paradigm strategies including five main categories (distinction, reward, scientific attraction, development development, financial support), qualitative development paradigm implications including 5 main categories (Rich and reinforced employment, entrepreneurship growth, talent management, scientific marketing). Finally, the original theory of qualitative development model of the universities' Incubators of Iran was developed based on these categories as a conceptual model.


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Volume 11, Issue 45
November and December 2020
Pages 187-210
  • Receive Date: 30 June 2019
  • Revise Date: 14 September 2019
  • Accept Date: 28 December 2020