The Effectiveness of Krumboltz’s social learning theory on vocational Performance of Technical school personnel in MARVDASHT

Document Type : Research Paper


Current research examines the effectiveness of Krumboltz’s social learning theory to enhance vocational performance of technical schools personnel in marvdasht city , Research method was semi-experimental with pre-test ,post-test and control group . statistical community included all of the technical schools personnel in marvdasht year 2014-2015. Random sampling was used in current work . After performing the questionnaire of vocational performance by Halajian (1392) , 30 personnel with lower scores in the questionnaire were randomly selected and placed in to two experimental and control groups each with 15 numbers . Then, the experimental group received vocational performance teaching according to Krumboltz’s social learning theory7 sessions of 1.5 hours. No intervention was made in the control group And a follow-up test was performed a month later .Data was analyzed using some changeal covariance analysis and dependent t-test method . The results indicated that Krumboltz’s social learning theory has increased vocational performance and Dimensions of those (vocational knowledge , vocational skill , Attitude and human force behavior ) . also this results had permanent effect in the length of time.


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