Presentation of Conceptual Model Factors Affecting the Quality of Teaching of Professors of University of Farhangian with a Basis Based Data Theory Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in Management of Higher Education / Tehran Science and Research Unit

2 Department of Educational Management. Faculty of Management and Economics. Tehran University of Science and Research

3 aDepartment of management, college of human science, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran


The purpose of this research is to provide a conceptual model based on the factors affecting the quality of professional teaching of professors of Farhangian University with an approach based on the data theory of the foundation. This is done by conducting a qualitative research of the type of data theory, the method of which is exploratory. In this research, in order to overcome the shortcomings of past research, using a qualitative approach and using the theory of data foundation, we developed a comprehensive model that includes the internal and external factors affecting the quality of the faculty members of the Farhangian University from the data-based method and in a systematic way (Open, axial, and selective coding) were analyzed. In order to complete the expected competencies of professors' teaching, an interview was conducted among experts in the field of higher education and scientific elites of Farhangian University. A total of 17 people were selected as Snowball. To obtain validity and validity of the data, two methods of reviewing the participants and reviewing non-participating experts in the study were used. Data were analyzed by content analysis. Finally, a model with ten factors of motivational factors, social factors, environmental factors, economic factors, cultural factors, personal and personal factors, academic and managerial factors, scientific and educational factors, technological factors and international factors were extracted. The main issue of the present study is the quality of university professors teaching that is mentioned in ten dimensions and according to the circumstances, the underlying conditions and the conditions of the mediation of the strategies are formulated and the final model is presented based on it.




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