Developing an Improved MIS Model Based on Bench Marking(BM) Technique For Iranian Universities

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Educational Administration, Educational Administration Group , Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran

2 Assistant professor -Educational Administration Group , Ahwaz Branch, Islamic Azad University , Ahwaz , Iran

3 Associate Professor , Educational Administration Group , Ahwaz Branch, Islamic Azad University , Ahwaz , Iran

4 Associate Professor, Educational Administration Group , Ahwaz Branch , Islamic Azad University , Ahwaz Iran .


This study was conducted to provide a suitable framework for comparative appraisal of academic management information system in universities and higher education systems of Iran. Descriptive and analytical method was used for research implementation. Statistical population consisted of all of students, professors, principles, and staffs working in universities executing academic management information system in Iran. Of universities consisted in statistical population, Tehran University, Isfahan University, Shiraz University and Ahwaz University (Shahid Chamran) were selected as purposeful sampling method. Statistical sample size of students of each university was obtained using Morgan table. Data collection instruments consisted of the proposed framework-based questionnaire in 4 specific forms of sample groups; validity and reliability of questionnaires were examined through validation process and questionnaires were valid and reliable. The significant findings of study were:
1-academic management information system of Iran consists of 4 main dimensions including users’ satisfaction, practical advantages, system capabilities, and functional limitations.
2-comparative appraisal of four groups indicated relative priority of Isfahan University to other 3 universities.
3-academic information management system of Iran was at average and poor level with a distance from optimal situation.
4-the proposed model for appraisal of academic information management system of Iran was introduced in framework of 4 factors, 25 metrics and 129 indicators.




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