investigating the effect of self-directed on personal knowledge management of school managers

Document Type : Research Paper


department of management, Lamerd branch, Islamic Azad university, Lamerd , Iran


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of self-directed on personal knowledge management of school managers. The research method was descriptive survey and the research tools were the self-directed scale of sheikhnezami and the personal knowledge management scale of Bagheri. Validity of the questionnaires was calculated using Case's analysis and its reliability was calculated using Cronbach's alpha method, which was 0.85 for self-directed and 0.92 for personal knowledge management. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics including linear regression analysis and multiple regression analysis using SPSS software and path analysis using Lisrel software. Findings showed that self-directed have a significant effect on personal knowledge management of school managers. Self-directed dimensions including self-education, time management, communication skills, document management, professional growth planning, and attention to physical and mental health have a positive and significant effect on personal knowledge management in Lamard schools managerss. The simultaneous effect of variables in the final model using multiple regression and path analysis showed that all self-directed dimensions have a positive and significant predictive value for personal knowledge management in managers of Lamerd city schools.


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