the effect of information technology on job motivation and creativity in byza city middle school teacher

Document Type : Research Paper


1 teacher/edhucation

2 asssociat professor /IAU marvdasht branch


The purpose of this study is the relationship between information technology and job motivation and creativity is Byza city middle school teachers. The research is descriptive. The study population included all middle school teachers Byza city was in 1392. Given that the total number of teachers was 170, with a sample size of 108 subjects was selected using stratified random sampling. The study consisted of three questionnaires measuring instruments Torrance creativity, Habibi motivation, self-made information technology azadmehr. The research instrument was a questionnaire that details each come. Questionnaire of Creative Torrance (1978) by Moqimi year (1380) was translated into Farsi, is applied and Yousefi Miandeh, Rasht (1389) reliability Motivation is . Questionnaire of Habibi (1377), the coefficient obtained by the commendable (1387) using the test-retest method, respectively, 69% and 72% achieved 77% of its credibility. It is ultimately self-made IT Inventory Zadmehr (1389) respectively. They were done and the internal consistency through Cronbach alpha of 91% was confirmed. (424/0 and 364/0) and a significant direct relationship information technology with computer software and familiarity with computers, they were stronger predictors for motivation and creativity.Statistical analysis Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics, correlation and regression results showed that: Information Technology and Creativity significant positive correlation with job motivation there. Between all aspects of information technology, there is significant positive correlation with job motivation. Direct relationship between all aspects of information technology and creativity, and there are significant. Proficiency in computer software component relative to other components of creativity is a stronger predictor. Familiarity with computer components to the other components of job motivation is a stronger predictor.


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