Presenting Culture – Orientation Model Based on Islamic Doctrine and Instruction in Education Organization of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of the current study is to present the model of customer orientation culture which is in accordance with the Islamic doctrine and instruction in Education Organization of the country. The method of study is mixed-exploratory carried out in the academic year 2015- 2016. First, themes of customer-oriented culture in Education Organization were identified by making use of inductive thematic analysis. Base on the whole field of research, containing 51 items listed in databases since 2000 to 2015, 608 themes were identified. Then, according to Islamic doctrine and instruction and by making use of thematic analyzing and studying Hole Quran exegesis and Nahj-ol-balaghe, the themes of customer-orientation culture were identified. In both steps, Holsti's method was used in order to investigate the reliability. As a result, two categories of main themes, including 73 basic and fundamental themes and 15 organizing themes as following: 1.Organizing strategy with comprehensive themes: strategic standpoint to clients, creating a corporate knowledge, improving customer service, staff recruitment criteria, requesting for appropriate work, discipline – centering, justness, righteousness, management attitude, adopting appropriate practices and handling of complaints. 2. Client satisfaction strategy with comprehensive themes: valuing customer, building trust in customers, paying attention to ethical issues, promoting and persuading people, learning skills, improving services and tangible factors. In the follow, according to identified themes, a questionnaire was designed with 210 items (tests) in order to control the validity of the study by making use of Cronbach Alpha, proving validity of 0.89. The research society was 30156 people in the quantitative sector, including all school principals from five provinces East Azerbaijan, Bushehr, Tehran, Khorasan Razavi, and Fars. Random method was used for sampling which finally 379 were selected. Factor analysis was used to validate the model where all themes were verified with high load-factor.


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