The Relationship between Organizational Health and Organizational Trust to Social Responsibility of Teachers in Sari Education District



    This study examined the relationship between organizational health and organizational trust and social responsibility of teachers in Education District of Sari. The study was descriptive survey. The population consisted of 385 teachers in girls' high schools in the academic year 1393-1394. The sample size was based on the sample of 195 who were selected according to Cochran and Morgan table. Sampling method was random. For data collection, both the library and field method were used. In the field of the standard questionnaire, of organizational health Hui et al (1966) (44 questions), Organizational Trust (21 questions), Robbins (1998) and Social Responsibility (25 items) and Carol (1991) were used. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS and the confidence was calculated through using Cronbach's alpha. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, graphs, measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode), trend indicators dispersion (standard error of the mean, standard deviation, variance, range, minimum, maximum) were used and the method of statistical t-test and correlation coefficient were applied. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between the components of organizational health (seven components of academic stress, morale, support resources, building materials, consideration, middle managers and institutional integration) and institutional trust and social responsibility of Sari girls High School Teachers.


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