A Causal Model of Islamic Work Ethics and Organizational Commitment with Mediating Role of Work Values of Organizational Justice among PNU Faculty Members



The aim of this study is to present causal model of Islamic Work Ethics and organizational commitment with mediating role of work values of organizational Justice among PNU Faculty Members. The present research is applied and the method of data collection is descriptive correlational. The study population included all faculty members whose PNU random cluster sampling, 362 students were selected using Morgan table. The questionnaire used in the research were organizational commitment (Allen & Meyer, 1997), Islamic work ethics (Yousef, 2001), organizational justice (Colquitt & et al, 2001) and job values (Seevers, 2001). Research data were collected in order to be examined and the hypotheses were analyzed using path analysis. The results showed that the conceptual model and its suitability was confirmed for the PNU, especially for the faculty members. There was a significant correlation between Islamic work ethics (moral attitude to work (0/36 and 0/30) and interpersonal relations (0/25 and 0/22)) and organizational justice and job values on the one hand; and on the other hand, there is a significant correlation between organizational justice (0/37), and work values (0/41) direct effects of organizational commitment. The indirect effects of Islamic work ethics, moral attitude to work (0/16) and interpersonal relations (0/11) with the mediating role of organizational justice and organizational commitment with work values represent the mediating role of these two variables and their importance in organizational analysis. The total variance specified in organizational commitment by Islamic work ethics, organizational justice and job values is (0/27).


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