Effective components of services in the university incubators and their role in the university spin-offs establishment



This study focused on identifying effective components in the university incubators services and their role in the university spin-offs establishment. The study adopted an integrated approach as its methodology. The statistical population included all college managers and experts in universities’ incubators in Mazandaran Province. Purposive sampling and stratified random sampling were used for qualitative and quantitative parts, respectively.170 subjects out of 304 participated in the quantitative part. 13 subjects were interviewed for the qualitative phase .The data gathering tools were interviews and a researcher-made questionnaire after confirming the validity and the reliability with Chronbach Alpha coefficient which was equal to (0/82). To analyze the data, the descriptive statistics and exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were applied. Based on the content analysis of qualitative data from in-depth and exploratory interviews it was revealed that 17 components were identified in services aspect in the establishment of university spin-offs. Considering the quantitative aspect, the findings also emphasized that the Tax help with the highest factorial load (0/84) and provide financial resources with the lowest factorial load (0/40) explained the variances and other components had their prioritized relative contribution. Also, the final research model was approved considering the fit indexes and standard coefficients. Considering the impact factor of the existing components of the university incubators services in the establishment of university spin-offs, the greatest influencing amount was attributed to the Tax help with 0/84 and lowest was given to provide financial resources with (0/40).


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