Investigating the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Development among Staffs of Islamic Azad University of Shabestar



This study aimed to determine the relationship between the components of emotional intelligence and organizational development among the staffs of Shabestar Islamic Azad University. A descriptive – correlational method was used in the current study. The statistical population of the study included 160 people; therefore, according to Krejcie and Morgan’s Table of sampling adequacy, 113 people were selected using stratified random sampling. Data were gathered using two instruments: the standard questionnaire of Bar-On emotional intelligence and a researcher-made questionnaire on organizational development. Validity and reliability of organizational development questionnaire was established through face validity and Cronbach's alpha-coefficient, respectively. The obtained data were examined by the use of Spearman correlation coefficient, Man-Whitney U-test, and Friedman test. The results depicted a meaningful correlation between the components of stress tolerance and realism with organizational development. Further, it was revealed that the rank of emotional intelligence and organizational development components is the same among male and female staffs. As regards the components of emotional intelligence, it was shown that accountability component has the highest priority and independence component has the lowest priority between both sexes. Another finding of the present study was that the component of openness and transparency has the highest priority among the components of organizational development.


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