A Glance at Correlation and the Explanatory Ratio between Educational Philosophy and Supervisory Beliefs among School Administrators of Tehran



The present study aims at investigating the correlation and the explanatory ratio between educational philosophies and supervising beliefs among Tehran’s school administrators. Accordingly, a sample of governmental school administrator with the population of 327 persons from 3 stages of primary school, secondary school, and high school were selected for the study. A use was made of descriptive correlative research method. In order to gather the data of the two scales, we benefited from Patricia’s “Educational Philosophy” (1972) and Glickman and Tamashiro’s “Estimation of Administrator’s Supervisory Beliefs” (1981). In analyzing the data, besides benefiting from average, standard deviation and various charts and tables, we also used Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis with various variables. The findings revealed that there existed a meaningful relation between various administrators’ educational philosophies, progressivism, perenniadism, existentialism, essentionalism and the direct, indirect and associative aspects of supervisory beliefs among administrators. Additionally, the result regarding the amount of ratio of each of the educational philosophies (progressivism, perenniadism, essentionalism and existentialism) respectively came with the following variation of supervisory beliefs: 35/3%, 40/2%, and 36/3%


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