Designing the Evaluation Pattern of the Performance ofIslamic Azad University (IAU) Branches on the Basis of the

Document Type : Research Paper



This study was carried out in order to explain the dimensions and constituents of the performance evaluation in higher education and to put forward an appropriate pattern as regards IAU. Survey method was used in this study. An inspection of the international standard models of organizational excellence helped us to extract common evaluation criteria using Delphi method. The 6 input and 4 output indicators with 64 constituents were, then, operationalised into a Liker-scale questionnaire. After establishing its reliability and validity it was administered on 38 IAU branches in the first region. The data was analyzed using data envelopment analysis (DEA) method. The results of the study were indicative of the efficiency of some of the branches and inefficiency of others. Further, in order to determine the priority of the efficient branches, a use was made of Anderson & Peterson method (AP). Finally, through a provision of a virtual unit and a reference set, the amendable points of inefficient branches were identified and necessary suggestions were made to enhance their efficiency.


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