A Comparative Study of Experts’ and Teachers’ Points of View on Citizenship Education Inadequacies in Junior

Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of this study was to investigate and compare experts’ and teachers’ views on the disadvantages of the civic curriculum of guidance school. This survey study had an applied research orientation. The sample of the study comprised two groups. The first group included 30 faculty members of different universities in Qazvin and experts of education and administration in education organization of Qazvin. The second group included 241 guidance school teachers of Qazvin selected from among a total of 2727 teachers using proportionate random stratified sampling. In this study, a use was made of a researcherdeveloped 80-item questionnaire whose content validity and reliability (Cronbach’s Alpha) was established by the researcher. Data analysis employing SPSS indicated that both groups generally believed that the civic curriculum of guidance school was inadequate. However, in the first group’s (experts) view this inadequacy was more serious. It is noteworthy that this difference of views was statistically significant.


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