Factors Influencing Instructors’ Job Performance in Agricultural Secondary Education Centers in Tehran Province

Document Type : Research Paper



This descriptive-correlational study was undertaken to investigate factors influencing instructors’ job performance in agricultural secondary education centers in Tehran province. The target population included all instructors (professional and general) of agricultural secondary education centers of Tehran province (N=91). Employing stratified sampling method and Cochran’s statistic 49 instructors were sampled and administered a questionnaire developed by the current researchers. The content validity of the questionnaire was evaluated by a panel of five experts of agricultural extension and education from Tehran and Tarbiat Modares Universities and its internal consistency reliability was estimated _ using Cronbach’s alpha_ to be within the range of 0.82 to 0.94 for different research variables. The findings showed that job performance of 75 percent of instructors was intermediate and high. The findings of correlational analysis also revealed that whereas there was a positively significant relationship between instructors’ professional skill, job satisfaction, and job capabilities and their job performance (p<0.01) there was a negatively significant relationship between their age and job performance (p<0.05). The results of multiple regression analysis further indicated that job capabilities, job satisfaction, and professional skill of instructors could explain 81.3% of the variations of the dependent variable. Thus, improving instructors’ professional skill and job capabilities and making provisions for the enhancement of their jobs satisfaction are influential factors in promoting their job performance and accordingly students’ learning process.


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