Providing a Structural Model of Intellectual Capital Based on Organizational Learning in Shahid Beheshti University

Document Type : Research Paper



The principal purpose of the present study was to provide a structural model of organizational learning and intellectual capital in Shahid Beheshti University. The target population of the study included all employees of the Shahid Beheshti University who held high school diploma or higher degrees. Based on Krejcie & Morgan’s table a sample of 219 employees was drawn through random sampling. 277 questionnaires were completed and analyzed. Research instruments were Watkins & Marsick’s (2002) standard questionnaires of organizational learning and Bontis’s (1997) standard questionnaire of intellectual capital. Their reliability coefficients were 0.94 and 0.95 respectively. The research method involved structural modeling and path analysis. Path analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between the dimensions of organizational learning and intellectual capital. The greatest direct effect could be described as the effect of learning in organizational level on the intellectual capital. Further, human capital was considered as the most significant factor of intellectual capital in this model.


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