Evaluating the Conceptual Pattern of Productivity Management in Fars Educational Organization

Document Type : Research Paper



This research aimed at evaluating the conceptual pattern of productivity management from the viewpoints of employees in Fars Educational Organization. The research method was descriptive-correlational. The target population included 241 individuals. The sample of the study consisted of 159 employees in consultation with Morgan’s table. Two Likert-scale questionnaires were adapted to collect data. One of them measured the conceptual pattern components such as group factors, legal factors, customer satisfying factors, supporting factors, qualitative factors, logical thinking, and working conscientiousness and the other one assessed productivity. The reliability of the conceptual pattern and productivity questionnaires were 0. 87 and 0.97 respectively as assessed through Cronbach’s alpha. A use was made of Pearson correlation coefficient to analyze factors. The results of the study indicated that all factors had a significantly positive correlation with productivity and impacted it. In order to predict productivity, based on the respective pattern in the organization, multiple regression analysis was employed. It showed that logical thinking, group factors, and customer satisfying factors could predict productivity.


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