A Study of Factors Affecting Entrepreneurship in Lorestan Province with an Emphasis on Education

Document Type : Research Paper



This descriptive study explored factors affecting entrepreneurship in Lorestan province. In so doing, using proportionate stratified sampling method, 245 entrepreneurs (service division 31, industry 86, and agriculture 128) were selected from among a population of 3417 entrepreneurs. A use was made of two questionnaires constructed by the researcher to collect the data; one as entrepreneurship instrument and the other tapping into the influential factors. The data were analyzed employing Friedman test, Chi square and mean ranks. The results of the study indicated that the major influential psychological factors were the intention and determination and the need for achievement, and the major sociological factors included social status achievement and family atmosphere. The main governmental factors were encouraging policies. The service division had the first rank of Entrepreneurship in the province. Educational context analysis based on research literature showed that the effective factors drive from appropriate family and formal education. Thus, in order to promote these factors, attention to formal education as a progressive entrepreneurship is essential


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