Designing an Integrated Conceptual Model of a Learning Organization

Document Type : Research Paper



Rapid environmental changes in both internal and external dimensions have forced organizations to adopt modern strategies such as learning, quality and knowledge creation. These strategies, hence, are essential for organizations to survive and to maintain their competitiveness. The organizational learning and learning organization concepts have been around for more than three decades now. Even though many studies have been addressing these two concepts, there is no consensus on a model to fully clarify the relationship between them. Using an analytical research method, this paper seeks to eliminate this deficiency by presenting an integrated conceptual model on the basis of authorities’ views in the related field. The model is composed of three sections. In the first section, which is based on a modified theory of Watkin and Marsik, learning empowerments have been introduced with a resource-based view at two levels, namely structural and non-structural (people) levels. In the process section, Haber’s theory of organizational learning has been described as the connector between learning enablers and performance outcomes. The last section, considering the viewpoints of Senge and Nonaka, characterizes learning organization under the title of “Learning Organization Pyramid” (LOP). As a systematic approach was adopted in the design of the model and as the enablers, process and performance were taken into account as the main dimensions of the model, this study can serves as the first guide in a better understanding of the above-mentioned concepts. The paper closes with suggestions for model application and research


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