On the Role of Emotional Intelligence in Secondary Teachers’ Teaching Effectiveness

Document Type : Research Paper



This research explored the relationship between teachers’ emotional intelligence and teaching effectiveness and the predictive power of emotional intelligence for effective teaching. Research method was descriptive-correlational. The sample of this study included 704 students and 32 teachers of secondary school in Shiraz selected through stage cluster sampling. Research instruments were Emotional Quotient Inventory (Bar-On, 1997) and Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) (Painta & Hamre, 2009). Basically, ClASS evaluates teaching effectiveness through observation and involves three dimensions of educational support, emotional support, and class organization. Its reliability as assessed by test-retest method was 0.85. Teaching effectiveness in terms of these three components was measured using a questionnaire answered by students. Its Cronbach's alpha reliability index was estimated to be 0.78. The mean score of both instruments (observation scale and student questionnaire) was viewed as the index of every teacher’s teaching effectiveness. Data were analyzed employing Pearson correlation and regression analysis. The results indicated that the variables of interest were significantly and positively correlated and even by controlling sex, age, and education EQ could strongly predict effective teaching (Beta=0.73). Furthermore, partial correlation of EQ with subscales of effective teaching revealed that there was a significant relationship between EQ and educational support and emotional support but not class organization. Therefore, the research hypothesis was confirmed. As emotional intelligence is teachable it is suggested that more attention be devoted to its development in teacher training programs.


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