The Qualitative Development of Lamerd Islamic Azad University with an Emphasis on the Amount of Faculty Members’ Awareness of Curriculum Development Criteria

Document Type : Research Paper



The study was conducted to work out solutions for qualitative development of Islamic Azad university of Lamerd branch with an emphasis on the amount of faculty members’ awareness of curriculum development criteria and to offer suggestions for qualitative development in university. To achieve this aim, the awareness degree of factors used in curriculum like needs analysis, methods of choosing pedagogical objectives and content selection, organization, presentation and time adjustment as well as using of technology in teaching and evaluation procedures were investigated to take advantage of both its merits and demerits in curriculum development for faculty members. The study was a field study .The participants were all 39 faculty members of Azad University. Data was collected through a researcher-made questionnaire whose validity was established seeking the experts’ inspection. The data were analyzed using SPSS software in two levels: Descriptive Statistics (frequency, percent, bar chart, mean, median, mode, and skewness) and Inferential Statistics (Chi-Square test). The results showed that faculty members’ degree of awareness of needs analysis, content selection and presentation, time adjustment methods, and evaluation procedures was “much”, and as regards objectives selection, content organization methods, and using technology in teaching it was “average”.


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