An Investigation of the Fitness between Industrial Needs of Falavarjan City and Technical and Professional Training of Art School for Girls and Boys

Document Type : Research Paper



The present study investigated the fitness between industrial needs of Falavarjan city and technical and professional training of art school for girls and boys. In this research a descriptive analysis was conducted in two sections of documents analysis and needs assessment (employing Delphi technique). A sample of 52 employers was selected through stratified random selection method from a population of 218 employers. Data collection involved the instruction progression documents such as documents which were used for developing the part of technical and professional training, the statistical annals of Isfahan province, the existing document in the planning assistance of Isfahan’s Deputy Governor, in the department of education, industry and mining department and also the resources which were available in the library of Falavarjan city. For data analysis document analysis was conducted and frequency and percentage at the level of descriptive statistics were used. The findings indicated that there was a relative correlation between the needs of city in industrial section with technical and professional training of girls and boys schools in the field of welding, industrial electricity, electrotechnique, industrial drawing, car mechanics, package design, machine tools, metal plating, construction, accounting, computer graphics and the appropriateness of administrative affairs. In addition, the results showed that there was not any relationship among industrial electricity, electrotechnique, industrial drawing, car mechanics, package design, machine tools, metal plating, construction, accounting, computer graphics and the appropriateness of administrative affairs.


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