The Mediating Role of 2*2 Model of Developmental Goals and Cognitive Strategies relating to Implicit Theories of Intelligence and Educational Development: A Causal Model

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating role of 2*2 Model of developmental goals and cognitive strategies in relation to the implicit theories of intelligence and educational development within the framework of a casual model. To this end, 261 participants consisting of 195 girl and 66 boys were chosen from the students of psychology of Marvdasht Islamic Azad University based on simple random sampling. They were administered Implicit Theories of Intelligence Scale (IT IS), the Achievement Goal Scale , and Motivated strategies for effective self-learning questionnaire (MSLQ) . The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between entity theory through performance goals (tendency and avoidance) with surface strategies, and it had negatively significant relationship with development. Furthermore, there was a positive relationship between incremental theories by mastery-avoidance goals with strategy of effort regulation through mastery goals of tendency. Model indexes indicated that the proposed cognitive model was efficient.


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